Saturday, March 06, 2010

Fox River Fishing

Well, we went out to the Fox River today and tried our luck in a couple of different places with no success. But it was gorgeous out; we couldn't have asked for a nicer day this time of year. Sunny and no wind to speak of. This time of year is so hit and miss anyway so neither John nor I were upset about not catching anything. We may go again tomorrow although it might rain. Since it's my birthday I get to pick the activities and if it's warm enough I wouldn't mind going again. We are also going to Punkys and playing cribbage tomorrow night. We've started doing that on the Sundays when Chris works.
I have a nice amount one on my rug and I went to the thrift store and got a couple more things to go into it. I want it to be done rather quickly so I don't get tired of it. I also dyed some more wool fleece red and will probably spend at least part of tomorrow carding it. I really need a scale so I can measure how much fleece I am dyeing and get an idea of how much yarn I can get out of it. I also want to make a new handle for my wool comb and maybe get the dowels fastened to the scrap wood for the warping board. If I remember I'll bring the 1x2's over to Chris' and cut them down.

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