Friday, February 20, 2015

Hand Quilting

I really like hand quilting, it's very relaxing, like spinning or knitting. I'm not great at it yet, but I think the quilting on this little mini is passable. It's also not the best picture but I went outside to take it and it is SO COLD! It's 15 x 17 inches and I'm probably going to hang it in my hall.

I'm looking forward to the next hand quilting project I do since I enjoyed the process of this one so much. My daughter wants me to make this quilt to fit her bed. I don't think that's going to happen.

I had another finish this week too. I made this cushion for my mom. She really likes blue and those vintage looking florals and I have tons of blue floral scraps. So this fills the bill. The back is just a light blue solid. When I gave it to her she was very happy and asked me for another one.


Angie in SoCal said...

Love your cushion and your mom's reaction -lol - now you have another project. I like that little Amish quilt, too, and your hand quilting is right on. I invite you to link to WIPs Be Gone, Paula, and share your progress with us.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's how you know your gift is appreciated, when she would like another one! The mix of blues is so pretty and calming!

Jenny said...

How lovely that your Mum wants another cushion. Of course, you will be thrilled to make another one, I'm sure.
THose blues are so pretty.

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