Sunday, January 25, 2009

Keeping Busy Because What I Really Want to Do Is GO FISHING!!!!!

Oh, I want to go fishing! There are all these fishing shows on TV on Sunday mornings and these guys are catching big bass and I just wish I was with one of them. I saw one show where this guy was ice fishing and catching gigantic bluegill, and I'm ready to grab an ax and cut a hole in the ice on the pond by Chris and Richards. It's got to be thick enough, it's been sooo cold this winter. The tackle box is already cleaned out, so I can't do that.

I told Sio yesterday that if she wins the lottery all I want is a little cabin by a river with a few chickens and a bunch of fishing stuff. I only need 2 rooms, a bedroom and a combo living room/kitchen. A woodburning stove to keep the place warm and to cook on, a fridge, a generator in case the electricity goes out and I'm all set. I'll bring the treadle and one tote of sewing stuff. Oh and bathroom, I need the convenience of modern plumbing. John and I could be perfectly happy there; maybe eventually we'd add on one more room for Chris. He would definitly want to visit a lot, even if he didn't live there. We could fish all day everyday, right off the front porch. I could have a little garden and it would be heaven.

I have been busy creating lately, and listing in my Etsy store. I think I've made a couple of really cute things. I recycled a couple of hooded sweatshirts; one I put the Ninja Turtles on, the other is light green and I put a Celtic applique on it. I orginally was going to cut off the bottom and make a hoodie dress, but then I came across the Celtic applique and that was that. I also made a cute clutch embellished with wool felt, a yo yo, and a vintage button. I crocheted some wash cloths, and 4 sets of coaster, plus the scarf from the recycled sweater and a pair of fingerless gloves. Anyway, with all the making and listing, it started paying off. I had 2 sales; one Friday night and one yesterday morning. If I make the commitment to list EVERY day I generally do sell stuff! And right now I want to give everything I make to Sio so she can keep going to school. Even if John makes the payments for her, she still needs stuff like clay and whatnot, not to mention gas money for her car and so she can eat while she is at school. Anyway, if I'm going to make stuff I might as well do it for a purpose. I've had over a month of playing with Josette, so I'm taking a break til my stuff from the stash swap gets here. She's all dressed for Valentines Day now, anyway. I am going to take pics of her later to post on my sewing group and I'll post them here too.

I've been listening to Yonder Mountain String Band a lot so here's a clip from YouTube of them doing Sharecroppers Son:

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