Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Etsy Stuff and Gifted Magazines

The sales in my shop have started to pick up, mostly due to the recycled fat quarters. I have sold 38 of them in the last week, plus half a dozen pieces of recycled fabric. I am really excited that people are using recycled fabrics, and I've cut some new ones to replace the ones I've sold. I'll list them in the shop over the next week
I made another patchwork clutch and listed it this morning.

I also made these cute coasters to replace the recycled apple coasters I sold.

And now, the coolest thing that happened this week! My friend Holly was getting rid of this basket of magazines! There are knitting, crocheting, sewing, crafting, jewelry making, cross stitching and assorted other craft magazines. It will be weeks before I go through all of them. Thank you, Holly!

And this is the 4th anniversary of this blog! It doesn't seem that long.

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